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Grays Floor Sanding


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There should be no choice between your "fur baby" or beautiful hardwood floors. We have a wide range of hardwood flooring to suit the busy lifestyle of owning a dog. It is important to consider the following qualities when choosing hardwood flooring for a higher level of wear and tear: hardness, glossiness, color. WHAT YOU MUST KNOW ABOUT THE BEST HARDWOOD FLOORS AVAILABLE FOR DOGS Let's just say this: A hardwood floor's degree of hardness is determined by the Janka Hardness Scale You can hide light damage caused by your dog by choosing floors that are lighter in color. You should not apply a gloss to your floors, as it will cause scratches. You should make sure your dog has a neat and tidy nails If you're concerned about staining and scratches, these are the best hardwood floors to fit your dog's needs. WHY HICKORY IS GREAT FOR DOGS AND HOMES Hickory has a Janka score 1,820 and is a great choice due to its strong graining, distinct hues, and strong graining.
MAPLE WOOD  There are 115 species of maple. Only 5 commercially important species. Two of the five are hard rock maple and sugar maple. Properties: Maple is so hard and resistant to shocks that it is often used for bowling alley floors. Its diffuse evenly sized pores give the wood a fine texture and even grain. Maple that has a curly grain is often used for violin backs (the pattern formed is known as fiddleback figure). Burls, leaf figure, and birds-eye figures found in maple are used extensively for veneers. The Birds eye figure in maple is said to be the result of stunted growth and is quite rare. Uses: Maple is used extensively for American colonial furniture, especially in medium and lower priced categories.It can also be stained to simulate cherry wood, which it resembles.

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